Monday, July 20, 2009

The Essentials

In my classroom I will do my absolute best to be transparent as a teacher. Ultimately this means that my actions and intentions are clear and communicated to the students in an honest manner without lies or cover. All three of my essentials basically run hand in hand and one cannot exist without the other. If honesty is the best policy it's about time we start living by it.

My classroom will be a Sanctuary. In other words if my students are spending just as much time in my classroom as they are in their own home then my classroom environment must be welcoming and respectful. This isn't to say that there wont be any amount of arguing or critical thinking because there will be, but in each case everyone is entitled to their own opinion as long as it does not violate or harm any of their fellow classmates in any way shape or form. School should be a positive experience and the community and environment in my own class should help create this. This word respect that I've already used a few time is a good substitute for the word "tolerance." So many times have I heard and read about how people must be tolerant of one another. What the hell is that? We should encourage our children to be able to hold back their hatred when around other people and not let it out? That is what tolerance means. We should not encourage tolerance rather we should encourage and foster a mutual respect between people. "Respect" is a word that goes beyond "tolerance" to a level of care-free acceptance less ripe with bitterness. "Respect" is a positive place to be, while being "tolerant" only leads to high blood-pressure and constipation.

In my classroom I will in now way discourage the big questions. I will for sure raise as many big questions as they can possibly handle. Most adults seem to think that children must be shielded from the ugly truth when in fact kids are pretty idealistic and are already aware of the lies being told them. By uncovering the truths that are normally denied to our students I will help them to look at their world with a critical eye. Most students are put off by History and social issues because we water it down and basically tell them lies. If we were honest and more transparant about the way the world works they will find the subject matter much more interesting and pertinent and relevant to their own lives.

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