Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Final class blog, but not my last....

Wow! I can't believe that the past six weeks went so fast. It feels like just yesterday that I felt like I was going to die of anxiety, having to sing in front of a bunch of strangers. We have come so far and created such a safe, community atmosphere in such a short period of time. I want to thank Zalika for facilitating the opportunities that have allowed us to get to know each other and ourselves better. This has been a wonderful class and in many ways has felt as much therapeutic, as it was educational. In addition, I have actually warmed up to the idea of blogging. At first I found this to be uncomfortable and I felt very exposed. I had never put my words or thoughts online before and tend to be a fairly private person, so this was a whole new world for me. As I began to feel more comfortable and trusting, it became an enjoyable way to share my thoughts. I especially found this to be a useful tool for people like me who are not always talkative in class, to be able to participate in a class discussion. When I am a teacher, I plan to create a blog that parents and students can follow. I think it is a great way to keep everyone updated about what is going on in the classroom and future ideas. It also allows for another opportunity for communication and making everyone feel included. I will of course send out news letters as well, because not everyone has a computer and/or Internet access. The more dialogue and information, the better.
I loved this class and think that this was a great way to begin the program. As much as I am ready for a weekend to relax and actually get to spend some time with my very neglected husband, I am sad to see this come to an end. I also have to say that I loved hearing about the books that Zalika uses in her class and having two of the books read aloud. I don't think that I will ever grow out of loving having stories read to me. Thank you Zalika!

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